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At KNG, our job is not done until we connect you to the source(s) of your desire, at a
price that is fair and
KNG GLOBAL - The Commodity Brokers of Choice
KNG is primarily a Brokerage / Trading House. We broker commodities across our remittal range, as well as
engage in direct trading of some specific commodities under our autonomous corporate identity.
In addition, KNG has been mandated by some of its clients to execute and engage in direct wholesale trading
activities (buying and selling) on their behalf. Effectively, KNG acts as their external / extended trading arm
within their organisational structure.
Thus said, we would like to expand and continue to expand our trading activities in the foreseeable future.
We currently market a number of crude brands and crude oil distillates from various countries.

AIM - To service our clients’ trading needs and requirements…quickly, efficiently and affordably.
Our primary aim at KNG is to lessen your load, thus freeing your time and expertise to do what you do
best – the business of selling and whatever else that may entail. We purposefully “draw the short end of
the straw” in order to remove the drudgeries of International Trade by directly bringing the world of
commodity commerce to your front door – the much talked about but often elusive market globalization.
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